My First Blog – New Bunker Mentality Ambassador 2015
Here is my first post as a 2015 Bunker Mentality Ambassador. I was delighted to be selected and can’t wait to post some regular bolgs. My first blog is a chance to tell you a little bit about me.
I am a 35 year old 6 handicap golfer (Just 6.4!) I love the game and have been playing since I was 14. I am a member of Romsey Golf Club in Southampton ( ). It’s a short but tight course that can yield lots of birdies but also has numerous chances to post a big number on many of the holes. From the score card it looks easy (Par 69) but play it and it presents a different story. I tend to play in club medals, stablefords and the odd honours board competition such as the club championship.
I play most of my golf with my Dad ( ). It’s great that I get to do the thing that I love with the old man! We have played some great courses together and some of my happiest times have been on the golf course with him. Last year for his 60th my family took him to the Belfry as a surprise and we played the famous Brabazon which was a fantastic experience. I tend to play once or twice a week depending on family and work commitments. Most of my golf is played early in the morning so I can get back to my family. I am lucky that many of my closest friends are also keen golfers.
As I have got a bit older I have realised that golf is (for most us) a hobby. Hobbies are designed to be fun and that’s what I try to remember on the course. When I was a lot younger it was only ever about ‘the score’ and not how much fun you had. I like the Bunker brand because its fresh and designed to be about having fun.
I am a big fan of the Mark Crossfield ( ) instructional videos on YouTube and love the course vlogs with Coach Lockey, Steve Buzza and co. I am due to have a lesson with the Golf Guru himself in April. I will post a blog to let you know how I get on

Playing East Devon Golf Club last year.
I discovered the Bunker brand whilst watching his videos. I was really impressed with the style and started buying some of the clothing last year. I now have a growing collection and am looking forward to increasing this with my first order as an ambassador. I have some CMAX polo shirts on the way and some trousers.
Off the course I work in Human Resources. I am married to my lovely wife Jemma and we have a beautiful baby boy who grows ever more mischievous by the day! I am also a season ticket holder at Southampton FC and have loved our season so far in challenging for a top four place in the Premier League.
Happy golfing guys and I look forward to posting more blogs
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