Is There A Worse Feeling In Golf?
We've all been there. You've battled yourself, the elements and your playing partners for 17 long holes, and have finally made the 18th tee. One more hole stands between you and glory (and the coverted 19th hole).

You've been playing like you know you can.
The putts have been dropping.
The fairway looks so wide you simply can't miss it.
Even the dodgy snap hook has bounced out of the trees and you've escaped with a par.
And then....its like you've never played golf before in your life! All that momentum and hard work has all gone to waste, and you walk off feeling low and dejected. Just 10 minutes earlier, you couldn't see how this round of golf could ever go wrong, and now you're signing for a score that is modest at best.
You throw the clubs in the boot of the car - is it their fault it all went wrong? You drag yourself into the clubhouse, hoping that first taste of beer will subdue your negativity. What happens? Your mate in the group in front tells you they've just beaten you by one. Play the last hole like you'd played the other 17 and you'd be sitting pretty.
Now you're sat in the corner, sulking, You'll spend the rest of the day thinking through that last hole, thinking how different it could of, and probably should of, been.

And the worst thing of know you can't wait to get back out there and do it all over again!