A Golfing Day in the Life of BunkerTom
Everyone loves to know what a tour pro does before, during and after their round of golf; so I thought why not share my usual routine with you all.
Generally speaking a prefer playing in a morning time slot – it saves waiting around all day, plus gets it out the way quicker! Anything post midday and you’re looking at a round that’s taking over 4 hours and there is nothing worse than that. Plus that is valuable beer drinking time!
First things first; breakfast. Nothing too big as I wouldn’t want to be weighed down, but something hearty to give me enough energy to walk around a field for 4 hours; the size of the breakfast is often determined by the amount of beer consumed on the Friday night…Of course caffeine is a necessity when being awake early on a weekend, or any day for that matter.
Next comes the outfit, which this year is coming courtesy of Twitter polls. I’m always over-prepared and will often take far too many layers with my so that if the weather does change I’m ready for it. In an ideal world I’d get ready before having my breakfast, however I don’t trust myself to not spill any down myself!
I like to head to the course between 30 minutes and an hour before teeing off. There’s nothing worse than arriving on the first tee having rushed around and being all flustered. First stop is the putting green. Nothing too concentrated or serious, just enough to get a feel for the speed of the greens and hopefully almost a little bit of confidence when it comes to actually holing putts….often this can be the last time I actually get anything in for the rest of the day. After all my faith in my current putter has disappeared…..to the range!
Its always tempting to hit more balls than are actually necessary; rather than actually using this time to get loose I have found myself being absolutely shattered after trying to hit as many drivers as possible in 10 minutes. Now, older and wiser, I will normally only hit up to around 30 balls. The first dozen or so will be a pitching wedge at around 50%, just enough to get my shoulders turning and my back moving. Next some mid-irons at probably 75%, before moving on to the big boy for just 2 or 3 shots at 100%, all the time visualising the first tee shot in my head.
What happens next is normally some kind of emotional rollercoaster. From euphoric highs to torturous lows, the next 4 hours will shape the rest of my day, and probably the rest of my week to be fair. More often than not, its best not to even remember it. The one thought that is constantly in my head during any round of golf…..what beer shall I have in the clubhouse?! In fact, beer is the one constant behind any golf game, because no matter whether you’ve had the best or worst round of your life, that beer will taste like absolute nectar. Cheers!
The post A Golfing Day in the Life of BunkerTom appeared first on Bunker Mentality Magazine.