Would a little Sugar be good for your game?
Would a Little Bit of Sugar be Good For Your Golf Game?

Today we introduce you to a new golf ball brand called Sugar. This is an introduction to the brand from the owner of the company that will distribute them in the UK EGN Golf Alex Stone.
Stay tuned to future Sunday Socials and our social media for a chance to win some for you too try yourself.
Innovation is at the heart of the 21st Century golf market. Individuality and choice has reached every corner of the golf equipment and apparel world.
Golf ball technology has come a long way since the first wooden and leather balls graced the fairways of the earliest golf courses. What ball you play is now one of those very personal choices in golf. It says a lot about your character and the confidence you have in your game. Nobody can argue with your choice as it’s essentially a feel thing.
Drilling down into it, what is it that causes you to purchase a particular brand of golf ball? Essentially, there are four key elements I look for. Performance, price, feel and branding all shape my decision making. In particular, as a small business owner and avid golfer, I take great care in looking into the background of a brand. I care much less about which balls the pros’s are playing with these days. Financial incentives guide a lot of those decisions understandably. Not swimming in these waters, I cherish the freedom to be my own man.
With my day job, I am lucky enough to get to travel a lot. On those travels, I have met some incredible people crafting independent golf businesses and selling quality golf products, all over the world. This was the genesis for my company, EGN Golf; to bring some of these great products to the UK market. One such company I came across while on a trip across the pond was Sugar Golf.
The new kid on the block in the US golf ball market is the Sugar golf ball, a direct-to-consumer targeted premium golf ball that oozes style and reflects the confidence they have in their position in the market. This new company out of Austin,Texas have taken much care in crafting an offering that combines high end performance with a sustainability vibe, based on reducing packaging and plastic use at an unrivalled price.
In the words of Sugar.. ‘Island Par 3s … that’s where this story begins. In a scenario every experienced golfer knows well, we constantly found ourselves reaching for the worst ball in our bag when we encountered a pond, lake, or fairway stream. We love playing with quality golf balls, but our hearts and pockets would ache when we, all too often, chunked a high-end ball into the drink.
We began to ask ourselves why our favourite brands — you know the ones — charge us a fortune, then go on to pay Tour players millions to wear their apparel. What if they passed those profits on to us and sold a quality golf ball that wasn’t priced as a luxury item? What if we could afford to attack every green with the confidence and consistency only a quality ball provides?’
It’s a message and a narrative I empathised with, which is why we worked hard to bring these balls to the UK market. Even playing off a low handicap, I had been known to send a sleeve of high end golf balls to an early demise in next to no time. Those experiences led to me making compromises about the balls I played with in different circumstances. Practice rounds would be played with balls found at the bottom of my bag. My practice bag consisted of a wide spread of offerings spanning 50 years or more of golf ball evolution. Whereas competitions would be played with a straight off the shelf premium ball. No wonder that first green in the competition often yielded a 3 putt!
Sugar have provided a solution to this age old conundrum. I want to play with my best balls all of the time. Now I can afford to without feeling pressured or guilty. Their website is persuasive in terms of performance, as are the many reviews beginning to appear online. The numbers place the balls in the heart of the premium market with stats in keeping with a tour level ball. The price however, places them nearer the bargain bin. What’s not to like?
Success for Sugar will come down to each golfers’ individual assessment of the factors that matter to them when selecting their ball. If it’s performance and price that matters then Sugar should be very well placed!
To order ....https://egngolf.co.uk/collections/sugar-golf-balls