Website UPDATED!

We have been keen to update our website, actually it seems like an never ending job as you never really feel super happy with the end result. However, we have to say that we are delighted with this latest version. We have worked hard at making it easier to navigate whilst at the same time maintaining the spirit of the brand for the ‘new breed’ of golfers. The fonts are a lot more harmonious and used in a way as to communication better. The site has a clean and modern look and each product category stands out in its own right.

An exciting new feature is that you can now buy your favourite Bunker Mentality gear in you local currency rather than just GB pounds sterling. You can now buy in Euro’s, US Dollar and Japanese Yen as well. We hope this make things easier and provides more confidence for customers globally to make their purchase.

The final facelist has been on the Bunker Magazine page with the new layout helping you to see all the different articles for your reading pleasure.

We hope that you like it, let us know what you think.

The post Website UPDATED! appeared first on Bunker Mentality Magazine.